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It is simple to create your own blends, they will help you with your hair hidratation and your skin health. Oil blends are made to maximize their absorption and their effectiveness for its particular use. To chose the vegetable oil used in your blend is a simple process, reviweing some aspects of the product is necessary to be sure this is the right oil to use in your blend. Those oils should be:
• Free of trangenics
• Free of pesticides
These caracteristics combined with the right amount of vegetables oils used will increase the efficiency of your blend.
How to prepare your own rich oil blends
Some examples of oil blends that could create a good impact in your life are:
For skin
Sunflower oil + Macauba Coconut oil blend
This blend can be used in your hair to moisturize it and keep it protected of sunlight also it will help to decrease the effect of humidity in your hair during the day.
Sunflower Oil..........................................................................................75% wt
Macauba Coconut Oil.....................................................................20% wt
Celullase* 98 % alcohol solution................................................5% wt
*Celulase can be found in cosmetic stores.
In this formula its also possible to add 0,5% of an essential oil of your choice.
Olive oil + Palm oil blend
This Blend is used for massage and will help with your skin health, being absorpted with maximum eficiency incresing the moisturization of your skin.
Olive Oil..........................................................................................75% wt
Palm Oil.....................................................................20% wt
Celullase* 98 % alcohol solution................................................5% wt
*Celulase can be found in cosmetic stores.
In this formula its also possible to add 0,5% of an essential oil of your choice.
For hair
Cotton oil + Copaiba Balm oil blend
This blend is really good to treat inflamations. As the blend is absorpted by the skin with the assistency of a massage the inflamated area will heal faster.
Cotton Oil..........................................................................................75% wt
Copaiba Balm Oil........................................................................20% wt
Celullase* 98 % alcohol solution.........................................5% wt
*Celulase can be found in cosmetic stores.
In this formula its also possible to add 0,5% of an essential oil of your choice.
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